Monday, February 28, 2011

Gnomish Army Knife is the best Knife.

So, spent the whole weekend, sitting on Matt's Parent's couch, getting yelled at my cats and grinding my proffessions on WOW.

I desided it was about time Lupie stopped being lazy and got some jobs, and I've seen all the cool other death knights, and warriors and paladin engineers with this sweet ass goggle helms.  And since I wanted to be cool, I desided to be an engineer too!!  So going to the dwarf distract in Stormwind, I marched up to the trainer and said "I WANT MAKE COOL HELM!! TEACH ME HOW TO DO!! iwouldalsolikeyourclothes,yourboots,andlearntomakemotorcycle."

 And I was well on my way, I also learned how too mine, since I was going to be needing that after I exausted all my other charitures for every peice of useful ore/bar/rock they had.  This took me to 210/525  fuck.   Oh, and at this point my mining was 63.  Double fuck.

 So off I went to mine and mine and mine some more.  Also smelting, lots of smelting too.

This was all after I desided not to go to bed after my over time.  Would be good to ground where this insanity started.  So at 5 in the fucking morning, with the smell of burnt burgers in the air, and cats yelling for food, I said "I'm gonna lvl engineering!"  And on I went....around .....a little while before my last post, I got the first buildable mount up and going, and everything was good.  Till I had to now go exploring for mines in the fucking Outlands.  This sucked.  This sucked hard.  Around 6 at night, I was finally out of the outlands and heading North.  This was a good break to pass out.  So I woke the Dwarf Lord, told him to order some pizza, and promtly passed out, was woken when pizza had arrived, crammed some slices into my mouth, and passed out again.

Wake up,  4 IN THE FUCKING MORING.  back to grinding.

Cool things I learned to make;

 a mining pick, that also works as a blacksmithing hammer....HOLY FUCK, that saves a whole space in my bag for more ore! fucking sweet.  Also a mining pick that also works as a skinning knife, this would also save space in bags of char I have that are farming whores. that is also awesome.

Boxes of Bombs, 12 boxes of assorted bombs. which I sent to the ice dragon, because I am the mad bomber what bombs at midnight! (he can't use the bombs either, it's funny.)

A variety of goggles to put on my head.  They don't do much for me now, but they look cool as fuck.

A wormhole maker, that can send me anywhere in nothrend.  that's just fucking cool.

Gnomish Army Knife, works as a blacksmithing hammer, mining pick, skinning knife, some special engineering tools, flint and tender (Which are no longer needed to make fires, but it can do it anyway) AND I can use it to rez dead friends.  This is the best thing ever. Also saved even more bag space then the tools before. It rocks.

A personal world destroyer, he's gonna destroy your world with hugs. :3

Loot-a-rang.  Did that jerk try to run from you, and yer DOTs killed his puss ass anyway? Too lazy to walk over and loot his dumb ass corpse? Just loot-a-rang that fucker!  I wish I was ranged, this would be even more useful then.

I also got a trinket that makes a lil pet dragon that attacks shit for me, I think I'll call him Scrambles, the death dealer. (As I call many things....because it's still funny.)

Currently I'm at 496/525 and mining is maxed.  For one weekend, that's pretty awesome.

I'll leave you with this picture, Can you spot the death knight?

1 comment:

  1. I admit to not knowing what the eff you're on about, but it seems cool. Where's yer motorcycle?
