Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The one thing I liked about DCU....

..is the ability to wear what ever you want, but keep it looking the same.  Like, lets say, you find this totally bitchen chest peice, with all these awesome stats you totally need, but it's ugly as all get out, and you don't wanna take off the sweet Green Lantern hoodie you got dropped in the Joker's room of fun, mayhem, and prizes! Well, you can put on that ugly ass shi(r)t and make it look like you never took off that hoodie you've been wearing for the last 15 lvls.  Just like real life!

I wish WOW would let me do that, because I never wanna take this mask off...

I should probably make that smaller, but fuck that!  Mask has like no stats, but it gives me awsome pump things on my back (Which you can't see because there's a torso in the way) and lets me whip out a spray gun and shoot farts at people to stun then while I wail on their asses.  I would totally wear this forever, if I could, and I guess I could, but it'd just gimp my shit, and I'm suck dps as it is. 

This is also proof that Worgen ladies are the only girls Ally side that look good in plate.

I'll also share this.

Some times my Bro plays WOW with me, and he'll do the dumbest shit with me, like for instance, fist fighting naked in front of UnderCity.

I wish he'd play with me more. :(


  1. Show us the back of the mask in a future post. Also, you and Rider-san should try to do a naked fistfight world tour, where you take pics of you two doing that at entirely inappropriate places.

    Guildy: What the hell?
    Arthas: RARR!!!!
    (Snap the shot of him TPKing your raid while you two naked fistfight.)

  2. they won't let you duel in a raid, sadly. Also not featured is the troll that bladestormed the fuck outta the 2 of us after the fight was done, lolz had by all.

    and I'll get a backshot next time I at the house on good comp. :)
