Monday, February 28, 2011

Gnomish Army Knife is the best Knife.

So, spent the whole weekend, sitting on Matt's Parent's couch, getting yelled at my cats and grinding my proffessions on WOW.

I desided it was about time Lupie stopped being lazy and got some jobs, and I've seen all the cool other death knights, and warriors and paladin engineers with this sweet ass goggle helms.  And since I wanted to be cool, I desided to be an engineer too!!  So going to the dwarf distract in Stormwind, I marched up to the trainer and said "I WANT MAKE COOL HELM!! TEACH ME HOW TO DO!! iwouldalsolikeyourclothes,yourboots,andlearntomakemotorcycle."

 And I was well on my way, I also learned how too mine, since I was going to be needing that after I exausted all my other charitures for every peice of useful ore/bar/rock they had.  This took me to 210/525  fuck.   Oh, and at this point my mining was 63.  Double fuck.

 So off I went to mine and mine and mine some more.  Also smelting, lots of smelting too.

This was all after I desided not to go to bed after my over time.  Would be good to ground where this insanity started.  So at 5 in the fucking morning, with the smell of burnt burgers in the air, and cats yelling for food, I said "I'm gonna lvl engineering!"  And on I went....around .....a little while before my last post, I got the first buildable mount up and going, and everything was good.  Till I had to now go exploring for mines in the fucking Outlands.  This sucked.  This sucked hard.  Around 6 at night, I was finally out of the outlands and heading North.  This was a good break to pass out.  So I woke the Dwarf Lord, told him to order some pizza, and promtly passed out, was woken when pizza had arrived, crammed some slices into my mouth, and passed out again.

Wake up,  4 IN THE FUCKING MORING.  back to grinding.

Cool things I learned to make;

 a mining pick, that also works as a blacksmithing hammer....HOLY FUCK, that saves a whole space in my bag for more ore! fucking sweet.  Also a mining pick that also works as a skinning knife, this would also save space in bags of char I have that are farming whores. that is also awesome.

Boxes of Bombs, 12 boxes of assorted bombs. which I sent to the ice dragon, because I am the mad bomber what bombs at midnight! (he can't use the bombs either, it's funny.)

A variety of goggles to put on my head.  They don't do much for me now, but they look cool as fuck.

A wormhole maker, that can send me anywhere in nothrend.  that's just fucking cool.

Gnomish Army Knife, works as a blacksmithing hammer, mining pick, skinning knife, some special engineering tools, flint and tender (Which are no longer needed to make fires, but it can do it anyway) AND I can use it to rez dead friends.  This is the best thing ever. Also saved even more bag space then the tools before. It rocks.

A personal world destroyer, he's gonna destroy your world with hugs. :3

Loot-a-rang.  Did that jerk try to run from you, and yer DOTs killed his puss ass anyway? Too lazy to walk over and loot his dumb ass corpse? Just loot-a-rang that fucker!  I wish I was ranged, this would be even more useful then.

I also got a trinket that makes a lil pet dragon that attacks shit for me, I think I'll call him Scrambles, the death dealer. (As I call many things....because it's still funny.)

Currently I'm at 496/525 and mining is maxed.  For one weekend, that's pretty awesome.

I'll leave you with this picture, Can you spot the death knight?

Sunday, February 27, 2011

What's better then sleeping?

Spending the whole morning blowing all my gold in the auction house, and mining my fingers off to level engineering!Photobucket

I hate the smell of the Outlands in the morning.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Marvel vs. Capcom 3

So, as the 5 people who happen to glance at my blog know, I picked up this game Friday, and now after having some more time to play it, I'm gonna talk about it.

It's a Capcom Fighter.  That's pretty much all ya need to know.  If you like Capcom fighters, you'll like it, if you hate Capcom fighters, you'll probably not like it.  Only minor complantes really, starting with, you start with 30 of the 34 fighters.  Yeah, I know, that's awesome, wide verity to pick from right off, but that just leaves 4 to unlock.  The main thing that keeps a fighter replayable is the drive to unlock all the fighters.  When you start out with nearly all of them, and then only have for to unlock, and the unlocking prossess simply is just playing thru arcade more, on any difficulty, 4 times, and then you got them all...that's kind of lame.  And since I hate getting frustarted at a game, Very Easy is the very best way to get this done fast.  Laughing at The Ice Dragon* fight Galactus 10 times in a row, on simply easy was enough to deture me from anything higher.

                            *From hence forth my Brother shall be refured to as The Ice Dragon (to piss him off lol)

So yes, my one real complaint is they gave me too many fighters to start with.  My other complaint happens to be they didn't give me enough fighters I want to play.  Thor, Deadpool, X-23, Taskmaster, fun new members to the Marvel team, with the old standbys like Wolverine, Hulk, and Spider-Man.  Capcom side though doesn't have is much draw for me.  Dante, Trish, Chriiiiiiiiissssssssss, and Wesker are fun, tossing in Arther from Super Ghouls and Ghosts got a laugh out of me,  you expected Street Fighters being there (though I was shocked at the lack of M.Bison) and the only 2 Darkstalkers they ever seem to use any more.  I hope some DLC can remedy this. 

Speaking of DLC, it is total crap that when you get the collecters edition you have to wait till march like all the rest of the jack offs who didn't get the collecters edition to get yer Jill and green eyeball guy.  That is just un-cool.

Anyway, here's a short list of what I hope to see at some point on old X-Box live that I can say "ooo I wanna download that, but ...I'm not sure if I want to pay for it.." but in the end I probably would anyway.

Blanka from Street Fighter- what can I say, he's always been a favorite of mine, so he gets top of the list.
Skullomania from Steet Fighter- Just look at him, and you will know, you'd want him on the list too.
Talbain from Darkstalkers- also another fav of mine, and I don't care what that says about me.
Lord Raptor from Darkstalkers- also cool looking, and in fact, I could make this list shorter by saying give me a new Darkstalkers game.
Sabertooth from X-Men- we have Wolverine .... why the fuck not. And since we on the X-Men line, Rogue, Beast Nightcrawler, and Damino should be tossed in too.
Lady Loki from Thor- Because she's better then just plain old Loki. (I have also gotten too lazy to look up pics to link for ya, sorry.)

There's probably others I'd like to play, but my brain just freezed up and I'm out.  I also don't give a fuck about that guy.

As a final side note, The Ice Dragon claims I'm some sort of idiot savant when it comes to Capcom fighters because my button mashing tends to kick is ass all over the place. So, I've slain The Ice Dragon! Woo.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I read Book.

So, WOW not working, and I'm up to date on all the stupid picture threads I look at on SA, so maybe I'll talk about some books I've read lately...

I just recently finished The Black Library - Wulfrik by C. L. Werner.

It's awesome. 

So, picture Kratos, but then make him look like some angery chaos viking.  Cool.  Now watch the chaos gods tell him to go around and murder shit for them on a magical boat that travels thru the warp, and then watch him try to get out of his fate as champion of the chaos gods because he wants to fuck a pretty lady. Oh, and he's not a great big raging cry baby about his fate, he's more just so fucking angery about it.

C. L. Werner is one of my favorite writers at BL, and I'll read pretty much anything with his name on it, in fact, I have pretty much read everything with his name on it, except for his Skaven series, and Brunner, both of which I own, I just haven't gotten to them yet, for some reason. But so far, his frozen wastes chaos champion books have been my favorite.  I think this one etches it's self to the top of the pile of skulls, knocking  Blood for the Blood God down a few pegs.

The Black Library - God King by Graham McNeill

I had just finished it before the big fuck off pile of snow we got.  Was a good end to a good series.  Sigmar smashes the fuck outta shit with his hammer, and keeps the empire from falling to the zombie hordes of Nagash.  Not really much left to say about it really.  I enjoyed the series, and now it's over.  Now I just have to wait for the last Nagash book to finally come out.  So I can read it, like it, and hopefully afterward Mike Lee will get back to writing Malus Darkblade books.

Currently reading, The Age of Odin by James Lovegrove

I knew fuck all about this book when I picked it up.  It's got Odin in the title, it's got a one eyed guy on the cover with a floppy hat, some military dudes, snow, and possibly some sorts of robots.

Ragnrok comes to England, and the Norse Gods gonna be laying the smack down with some regular jack offs, in lots and lots of snow.  80 some pages in, and that's pretty much what I got out of it so far.  I am liking it, and flipping thru just name skimming I spotted Skadi, so there's me throwing up the horns and ready to start plowing thru it.  Though for some reason I'm making a stupid post, on my stupid blog about books, and not reading this book. Go fig.

Anyway, this is the end of some trilogy from the auther, each making some story about a different panthion of Gods.  First was The Age of Ra, then The Age of Zues, and now Odin.  It doesn't look like they're connected, just stories with similar themes, and since I don't really care that much about the Greek Gods, and Egypt? Fuck them.  And just from reading the lil thing about that one in the back of the book, Freegypt? Fuck that.

So there's some books.  I'll get a post of Lupie's sweet backside when WOW works again.  Maybe I won't leave the pic so fucking huge next time.  And in Closing, it's Toilet cleaning time.

Note: I've been fucking with the settings, and they are fucked, and I don't have time to unfuck them right now, so sorry it's hard to read.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The one thing I liked about DCU.... the ability to wear what ever you want, but keep it looking the same.  Like, lets say, you find this totally bitchen chest peice, with all these awesome stats you totally need, but it's ugly as all get out, and you don't wanna take off the sweet Green Lantern hoodie you got dropped in the Joker's room of fun, mayhem, and prizes! Well, you can put on that ugly ass shi(r)t and make it look like you never took off that hoodie you've been wearing for the last 15 lvls.  Just like real life!

I wish WOW would let me do that, because I never wanna take this mask off...

I should probably make that smaller, but fuck that!  Mask has like no stats, but it gives me awsome pump things on my back (Which you can't see because there's a torso in the way) and lets me whip out a spray gun and shoot farts at people to stun then while I wail on their asses.  I would totally wear this forever, if I could, and I guess I could, but it'd just gimp my shit, and I'm suck dps as it is. 

This is also proof that Worgen ladies are the only girls Ally side that look good in plate.

I'll also share this.

Some times my Bro plays WOW with me, and he'll do the dumbest shit with me, like for instance, fist fighting naked in front of UnderCity.

I wish he'd play with me more. :(

Monday, February 7, 2011

Valhalla Standing Around Doing Nothing

So, lets start at the begining, because that is always a good place to start.  I was on deviantart, looking around at pictures one day, and I found this...

Thor Thursday - 04
by *reau on deviantART

It is pretty fucking awesome.  In the Artists comment he says he had justed watched a movie called Valhalla Rising, and it inspired him to draw this.  Well okay, I'm in, TO YOUTUBE!!!

Well, that looks fucking awesome.  TO AMAZON!! Where I proceded to buy it.  A week later I watched it.

I do not have a sad face big enough to display my reaction.  Do you like stupid arty farty movies about people standing around for 10 mins inbetween things happening? Cuz I sure as fuck don't, and that's what I got.  You get small bursts of something cool happening between long drawn out scenes of nothing... .... NOTHING...people, sitting around, looking at things, some times walking, mostly sitting....NOTHING.  Sure at the start you got dudes beating the crap out of eachother in the mud, and some guy gets totally disemboweled, which was awesome. Really though, almost all the action in the movie is in that trailer. If you wanna watch it, fine, if you wanna blow job a director for making a movie about nameless people standing around doing nothing, good for you, but that's not what I signed up for.

Fuck you IFC, and Fuck you Art Schools, for brainwashing people into thinking this is a good film.  Maybe I should go back to my Hollywood blockbusters if I wanna see shit get done. And on that note,

This movie was pretty cool, and shit gets done.  Saw it on netflix, check it out.  Not that this should be a desiding factor, but it also had hot chicks in leather armor kicking all sorts of ass.