Tuesday, April 26, 2011

So I got all these cards....

It's looking like we're going to be having a lull in out Friday Night gaming, waiting for Pathfinder to start, not wanted to get into anything big before then, one shot ideas being tossed here and there...

Well ya see...I'm stupid...

...and I like to sort things....

...and Loot cards....

I have a shit ton of WOW TCG cards....and I have no idea how to play...

It is crazy how many of these effen cards I got,  but I like looking at the pictures on them, and sorting them into pile and...anyway...

So I was thinking of some time bringing them over, if any one is interested, and we can try playing it.  I've got enough crap that we could probably make a few decent decks for people...and if not everyone is down and well I got Assault on Icecrown which looks like fun. 

4 pre-made decks, Sylvanis, Jaina Crymore, and Super Paladin all teaming up to take down King Cold Butt.  So that might be something fun to start with, since it's all pre made and ready to go and what not.  I also picked up the Naxx and Onexia raid decks as well, if we actully like doing this stuff...

Link to PDF of the rules if anyone wants to take a look at them.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Well fuck...

So when I first learned there was going to be another SSX game, I was scared.  After the abortion that was On Tour and the (Assumed to be) Awful Wii one that I never played but it looked bad, so I'm gonna say it's bad, I didn't know what to expect.
SSX Deadly Desents

After watching the trailer, I still didn't know what to think so I gave it a shrug and went on with life.

Little while ago, reading an out dated Game Informer on the crapper I saw an article about it where they were saying they were bringing back some of the series' characters.  So I assume Mac is the dude in the trailer, cuz ya know, he's the DUDE for the series, and the big spread pic of Elise that's two down.  I still shrug.

I stumbled appon some fucking video game news blog with some more info about the upcoming game.  3 returning characters huh?


Zoe named as a returning option?

if this has even a hint of thruth to it.....

Guess I gotta buy it now. =\

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

X-Manz Animes; Cry of the moon

I dunno.  I looked up that chick in the Sinestro looking armor, apparently her name is Armor. Huh...I never heard of her before, but after reading a little bit about her I think she sounds dumb, and that's coming from some one who likes X-23. Anyway, got the first ep if anyone is interested, haven't watched it yet so we'll see.

WTF Nickelodeon

You used to be cool. :( Also like, one of their former drummers died, so...bummer to that too...but still...wtf nick.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I read Book. (2)

Haven't updated what I've read, or currently reading lately, so here we go. (way short this time, too much WOW)

Dungeons & Dragons Roleplaying Game Official Home Page - Product (Sooner Dead) 

The Ice Dragon got the Gamma World Starter when it came out, we still haven't played it yet.  But looking at the cover of this book made me want to give it a go as I try to branch out from the Warham's.  I had fun with it.  Lots of action, charictures I could see being made/played in out own gaming group made it even more enjoyable.

Black Blade Blues by J.A. Pitts

Picked this up randomly today at Borders.  Half off, our heroine is a blacksmith, and it's sprinkled with Norseness.  Dwarflord looked at it, thumbed his noes and was going to put it back.  50 pages in, and I think it's something he world write him self, or I'd help force him to write, dunno.  I'm liking it so far, so much so I had to hit select and make a stupid post about it. :U

So yeah, WOW has really cut into my reading time lately.  But I'm lating reading cut into my WOW time tonight. :) 

Oh, and Age of Odin, which I had started in my first book update, in the end, not enough Skadi.  That was pretty much my biggest complaint, not enough Skadi and fucking 'it was all a dream.'  Spoiler? eh what do you care, no one wants to read the crap I do anyway. :p