Friday, January 27, 2012

Winter is kind of here....

So I started Game of Thrones this week after finishing The Red Duke.

Red Duke was good, by on of my fav Warhams authers, and about knights and vampires. Helped wash the taste of King Arther outta my head.

But liking Game of Thrones so far, a little over half was done and having trouble putting it down.  Even went out and got the box set so I have the next few ready when I need it. And since that means I got two copies of the first book now I got the dwarf lord to start reading the other :U It's awesome, we can finally actully talk about the same book for once.  Not just him telling me all about what ever he's been reading off and on for the last month that I'll probably never touch, and me telling him about the book I just finished and what I just started and trying not to spoil it for him just in case he desided to pick it up and try it at some point. [His responce to that statement will be "Fuck you! it's true, but fuck you."]

I did have to run off and look up spoilers just to make sure nothing stupid bad happens to Arya. Because if so I'd probably stop readding right now....

Haven't been on SWTOR much as of let, but I been rocken out on Super Hero Squad. Squad lvl 426. yeah. Here's some bad screen shots I cropped out with paint...


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