Thursday, May 26, 2011

haven't updated in a while, I should do that...

WOW news; finally got the recipe for the Chopper, finally got most of the mats for said chopper... ..grinding for 4000 more gold so I can finish buying the over priced vender mats so I can make the damn thing... (picture of me on my awesome chopper hopefully by the end of the week.)


Best Served Cold- By Joe Abercrombie

Well, I liked it, I think.  In my quest to expland out of just reading Warhams fluff books I picked this up.  I got the joy of reading my first sex scene in a fantasy book. I'm not sure I would be proud of ashamed that.  It's ....a book.  It's got lots of violence and some discription that litterly made me feel sick to my stomic, which is kind of cool.  Though I felt it drug on for a little longer then it needed.  The fact that he also turned the one characture I was liking alot into a one eyed psychopath was kind of a downer too.  Yes, I was mad the big norse bruser was turned into a psychopath ... ..this book has been a first for me in so many things it seems.

Wolfsangle- By M. C. Ladchlan

I do not have a shirt with enough wolves on it to wear while reading this book. Three wolf moon is not enough....

Another adventure into real book...I've got like 80 pages left, and I still don't know.  It's got odin, and loki, and wolves ....and by all rights I should love this....but....all I can feel is just the accomplishment of finishing it, and the horror of learning there is going to be 2 more.  :(

Up side, the second book in the Black Blade Blues serries is out next month, as is Battle for the Fang and the Caiaphas Cain audio book.  Woot.

Uhm..what else...Dwarflord tried that super hero squad mmo last night, fallowed by me trying it....then followed by me giving them 10 bucks just so I could play as Valkyrie...
that is just some random thor I happend past, and rocked out with....he left before I could get a good screen shot. :(  Got Berserker Arrow as my name, which rocks.  Since it's free make some one....and...make me a friend...(And warn me with yer name in a comment, so I don't think yer just some lil kid or cheeper trying to friend me cuz I look cool)

I think telemelia told us about this a while ago....I don't remember. I was probably tired, or in azaroth or something .....or just forgot.... :\

Also wrestling....fuck...I think I like it...
RIP Macho Man :(

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