Monday, January 31, 2011

Skadi's a ladie, not a dude >:C

So, I know the Wrath of the Lich King is over and done with on WoW, and we're all in this big Cataclysm, and I know this bitch is probably a few years old, but I'm gonna bitch it anyway, on this stupid Blog only like 2 people will ever read. ever.

So Northrend being all grimdark cold and nordic was fucking awesome to me.  After the froo-froo ugly armor of the Outlands, the spikes and leather of Northrend is just what you need to stop feeling ashamed of yer armor. And a little over a year ago, when I started up WoW again, and grind my poor lil paladin hard to get to Northrend, I started to look thru dungen achivements, and I saw :
Oh Crap! They based a dungen boss after one of my favorite norse gods?! FUCKING SWEET. 

Then, one google search later.



Now, she was a minor goddess, only being in charge of mountains, winter, bowhunting, and skiing.  I don't remember anything in her bio about being armored dude who rides dragons. And it's not like they didn't have a charature modle they could have used to make her a lady...

Little change, could have been so much better.  Skadi doesn't even sound like a dudes name.  I know it's Blizzards game, and they can change things, and do what they want and blah blah blah...and I know there should be tons of shit they do that should urk my shit out, but this is the one I shall always bring up and bitch about. Grrr man. >:C

So, if you wanna take a momment, Enjoy my own rendition of the story of Skadi..


One day Skadi was out questing, collecting bear asses, and just grinding kills to lvl up.  When she came home that night she found her Father ganked in his bed.  It looked like he had been smashed in the face by a big ass hammer.  There was only one douche bag she could think of who'd kill some one in such a way, so donning her father's epic gear, she marched her way up to Asguard.

When she reached the halls of Asguard, and was in audience with the Aesir she said, "Hey fuckers! Thor totally ganked my dad, I want some sweet lootz to make up for this!"

And thus Odin replied, "LOL No! STFU!"

Skadi paused ammoment, and then said "Well, How about you give me a dood to marry, and then make me lmao."

And and Odi said to this, "K.  But you gotta pick him by his feet."

So Odin had all the single men of Asguard remove their boots and line up behind a curtain. And Skadi walked up and down the line, inspecting the feets of the gods, in hopes that she would spot the toes of Balder, because he was super hawt.  When she finally made her choice, she found she had picked Njord, god of the sea!

"Crap." Said Skadi with a scowl, but knew that it would only be binding if they could make her lmao. And her lack of humor and cold bitchness was legendary.

And so Odin called forth Loki, the troll of the gods, and commanded him to make the fridged bitch laugh. Thus Loki stripped naked and demanded a goat and strand of rope be brought to him.  Apon receving said items, he proceded to tie one end of rope around his genitals, and the other around the goats, then they started the most squeeling match of tug of war ever heard of in the halls of Asguard.

Skadi tried hard not to laugh at such a scene, but lost her shit when the rope slipped and a naked and flaying Loki landed in her lap, at which point not only did she Lmao, but rofl'd long into the night.

So now she was stuck being married to the smelly old god of the sea.  They didn't really get along.  For 3 years she forced him to live with her in the mountains, after which time he forced her to live by the sea for 3 years.  After the 3 years were up, she said "Fuck this, I'm going back to the mountains, and fuck you too. You smell of fish!" And so they lived apart and were much happier.

The End.

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