Tuesday, December 20, 2011

An open Letter to Kane.

Dear Kane,

Please choke slam Cena to hell again, and light him on fire. Or, break his leg so he has to go on vacation for a while, so we don't have to watch him give shitty promos and suck. Kill him so hard they have to change the main event at wrestlemania. Teach Cena that you can't rise above hate, because hate is the only thing that matters. Hate and fire.

Also, if you wanted a stupid Cena shirt, I'm sure he'd just give it to you if ya asked. Well, maybe not. And that shirt sucks anyway. I guess you got an ugly vest now. That's cool.

Anyway, Kill Cena, and keep the mask on, and keep being awesome.

Love, Everyone.

PS- Hope 'Taker is doing okay. He might have a match in a few months...

This is What the fuck I'm talking about

Monday, December 12, 2011

Men in Tiny Pants.

Kane's back, woot woot!

I marked out just reading that.

He's back and in double mask!

Mark Henry better stop worring about the Big Show, because the big red machine is gonna beat his ass and light it on fire!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Invader Zim is now a big headed Black Metal Baby

So the dwarflord got my Skylanders for christmas, and let me have it early as well. :U 

So I've been planning it most of the weekend and I've just beat it.  It's fun.  It has alot of aspects of a game that I enjoy.  Leveling things, cute little monsters that I level, basic walk forward and smash things, break boxes=get money, and stupid hats.  It also has Patrick Warburton (aka lotta stuff, and the real tick) as a voice as well as Richard Steven Horvits (aka invader zim) and he screams doom alot, and his goo, and is basicly zim, as a black metal baby...

The game also has cute little real plasic versons of the charictures, that you need to play said charicture.  Which triggered the horrible obsession hunting gland in my brain and sent the dwarflord and I on a hunting expidition all across town last night in seach of a little hunk of plastic I HAD TO HAVE!!!

Had to have it, had to, and after searching both wal-marts, and Target we found her at Meijer, but only in a 3 pack, which was okay because I still needed a wind guy, and I got a stupid little blob moster with it too. But for serrious, these things must be selling like hot cakes or something, most places were either sold out or only had shitty Voodood and Stump Smash left. Not counting 3 packs of course, most of which ended up having at least one we had already gotten, or just didn't want to pick up yet.

But anyway, game is really fun.  Made for kids so it's a little easy at times, but there are puzzles that really make you stop and think, "Fuck, how do they expect a kid to do this on their own?!" But again, I guess there are kids like the Ice Dragon that have magical video games powers and can just figure things out, first go, no problem. It's weird.     I got this guy too, I renamed him Tonk. He's awesome.

So in one weekened between the two of us we sunk almost 200 bucks into a game for children.

Man that sounds really stupid when I type it out and admit it like that.

But it's fun, and I enjoyed planning it, and will enjoy leveling up all my lil'monster hunks of plastic so I have a team of total badasses, and after christmas when the shelves stop being baren of the cool skylanders I will probably pick up a few more, cuz they are cute, and I can set them on things, as decoration.

And from the Azaroth Front-

INC BEAST!!!!!!!! :3

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Looken Good...

 New patch, and I feel like I'm looken good now, armor matching, cool wicked looking weapons....it feels awesome to match...

And having my nose stick out of the helm like that is just badass/cute :3

Oh, guess my hunter can finally work on getting to 85 now too...huh...

Monday, November 28, 2011


The awaited 4.3 patch for wow is coming tomorrow so I can play dress up :3 and, maybe get some nice looken gear on my dwarf for her hair to clip thru. It'll be awesome. Oh, my huntard got a new kitty too...by the time you read this she might be 80 and camping storm peaks for a lightning wolf...

Friday, November 18, 2011

It's been a long time...

As I wait for the next WoW patch so I can play dress up with all my chars. I've gone back to a place I thought I would never return.  No, not Conan ....but City of Heroes....it's all pretty much the same... since I gave them money in the past I'm not as limited as some of the other free accounts.  Which is damn good because I had been giving them money for almost 5 years.... so there's a few zones I can get to but it's still all pretty much how I remembered it.  I also did something I know I probably shouldn't have, and told people I wouldn't do, but I went and did it anyway... I gave NCsoft a little more of my money to get a few costume packs and crap.

I know, I'm dumb...

He's hardened.....from battle.

Friday, September 23, 2011


suck it.


what's this?!

oh, okay...

I think I'm going to be told to eat all the dicks tonight. :U

oh, I also got this stupid hat.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I got friends back on WoW :3

The Ice Dragon and The Emporer have both come back to WoW for brewfest as we all quest for the Kodo Mount ....well, they quest for the Kodo mount, I'd be happy with either it or the Ram...

Anyway, can't make a WoW post with out the attack of the Screenshots!  (Ice Dragon and the Dwarf Lord now seem to be able to tell when I taken them...)

On Doomhammer;

The Ice Dragon and I ran Molten Core together and One Man'd it, because he pretty
much just looted and hid behind a rock while Ragnaros killed him with
Fire. (to be fair he was only 62, I'd die too)

Then he tried to cram his fat ass into my sidecar...

Next day was talk like a Pirate Day, we are looking for Treasure!

"Look at that thing! It's Cute!"

Getting ready for the Brewfest to start, had to warm up with a few beers....

Helped Ice Dragon get a new helm, it's cool looking...

Else where, On Wyrmrest Accord;

"Hey Baradmandyr, which way to Iron Forge?"

The Dwarf Lord said, "Don't take a screenshot and post this on yer fucking blog!"

WTF Deer...

The Worst Paladin....

Friday, September 16, 2011

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I haven't done a screen shot dump in a while..

So here we go!

I want you to make it Red, Right Now!

I think I'm gonna run over there and cuddle them. :3

How I trained a dragon.
The End.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Gaming on Saturday?

So dwarflord has to work friday night, I have heard that Telemlia also has to work friday night. So what if we try gaming on saturday? maybe in the afternoon or so? or even early evening?

just throwing the idea out there. 

Sunday, August 28, 2011

I think there is a small child in the appartment upstairs...

..because some one has been jumping on a couch on and off for the past hour, and it's driving me crazy. >:C

I've been trying to drown out the sound some bluegrass music.

in mmo news, I finally started lvling my huntard, again...she was the second char I made when I restarted wow a while ago...she now just hit 70.  yup.  Now I got a tarded orange t-rex named Tonk and a core hound name Kharn .. ...now to just grind to 80 so I can camp that stupid lightning wolf...and name it...something nordic and maybe clever...I already have a Fenrir, Garm, and Friki ....I'm running outta norse wolves :(

DERP DERP DERP dancing dinosaur.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


I shouldn't have looked up the results before I saw it. :(

Fuck you Del Rio, fuck you with Kelly Kelly's stupid face.

edit; For those of you who don't give a fuck about wrestlings, the best double dare...


And thus, Mark Summers said, "Bring forth the children with the least knowlage of baseball for our baseball themed episode!"

Sunday, August 7, 2011

my hands! what did you do to my hands?!

Got my Priest to 85. Woot.

Then today we went to Kmart and I got Guitar Hero; Warriors of Rock. Cuz it was on sale.  Have to say, it's probably my favorite of the plastic babby guitar games.  Most of the track list doesn't make me angery that I'm playing it, and making the game a series of quests to obtain the honor to rock out and earn a magic guitar so you can fight a big stage monster is pretty cool.

I did beat it in one sitting, with some help from the Dwarf Lord when my hand started to hurt so bad I couldn't really play anymore, so I'd sit out a few songs, then play some more! ...man my hand hurts still. Anyway...

There's no creat a charicture, but the char they got in game are all pretty rocken. The headless horseman is the best vocalist, hands down, best.  And I think I have to drag the PS3 over to the Ice Dragon's lair so I can download the rocky horror track pack, and maybe some more alice cooper.  Stupid games, why can't they just give us all the content in the game?  :( so they can get money, that's why! ):

I was looking up the SpaceMarine game that's coming out next month too.  Gotta go preorder that shit at gamestop so I can get the special space wolf armor, it's got danglie teeth and a wolf pelt and stuff, I friggen need it!  There's also some xbox live contra like shooter thing called Kill Team.  Split screen co op blasting away orcs with space marines.  It looks pretty rocken, and beating it gives you a power sword for the SpaceMarine game later when it comes out, so there's another reason to get it.

SSX Deadly Decents, it's gonna have Zoe and Psymon, offically. Gotta by it.

Thundercats is also awesome.  Can't wait to watch more.

and my train of thought just de-railed, and my hand hurts, and I just don't feel like typing anymore...

Friday, July 22, 2011

Recently, In Azaroth...

Khaarma: Where the fuck are we?!
Zonks: Go Left! :3
Left was the wrong way...
A couple Priests took over Blackrock Depths, declaired a pants off dance off.
Sylvanas is still awesome, and plotting against the rest of the Horde.
Lupie is still drinking, heavily.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

So this one time....

Step 1: Get Drunk

Step 2: Drive Chopper into Tree

Step 3: Wake up in a lake with a bad case of Lobsters.

Also in responce to what server I play on, I mostly play on Doomhammer with my alliance badasses. I got other random stuff all over. Dwarflord and I have been trying out Moon Guard and Blackwater Raiders for rp stuff. And I also got some horde on Mal Ganis.  But mostly it's Doomhammer.