Tuesday, December 20, 2011

An open Letter to Kane.

Dear Kane,

Please choke slam Cena to hell again, and light him on fire. Or, break his leg so he has to go on vacation for a while, so we don't have to watch him give shitty promos and suck. Kill him so hard they have to change the main event at wrestlemania. Teach Cena that you can't rise above hate, because hate is the only thing that matters. Hate and fire.

Also, if you wanted a stupid Cena shirt, I'm sure he'd just give it to you if ya asked. Well, maybe not. And that shirt sucks anyway. I guess you got an ugly vest now. That's cool.

Anyway, Kill Cena, and keep the mask on, and keep being awesome.

Love, Everyone.

PS- Hope 'Taker is doing okay. He might have a match in a few months...

This is What the fuck I'm talking about

Monday, December 12, 2011

Men in Tiny Pants.

Kane's back, woot woot!

I marked out just reading that.

He's back and in double mask!

Mark Henry better stop worring about the Big Show, because the big red machine is gonna beat his ass and light it on fire!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Invader Zim is now a big headed Black Metal Baby

So the dwarflord got my Skylanders for christmas, and let me have it early as well. :U 

So I've been planning it most of the weekend and I've just beat it.  It's fun.  It has alot of aspects of a game that I enjoy.  Leveling things, cute little monsters that I level, basic walk forward and smash things, break boxes=get money, and stupid hats.  It also has Patrick Warburton (aka lotta stuff, and the real tick) as a voice as well as Richard Steven Horvits (aka invader zim) and he screams doom alot, and his goo, and is basicly zim, as a black metal baby...

The game also has cute little real plasic versons of the charictures, that you need to play said charicture.  Which triggered the horrible obsession hunting gland in my brain and sent the dwarflord and I on a hunting expidition all across town last night in seach of a little hunk of plastic I HAD TO HAVE!!!

Had to have it, had to, and after searching both wal-marts, and Target we found her at Meijer, but only in a 3 pack, which was okay because I still needed a wind guy, and I got a stupid little blob moster with it too. But for serrious, these things must be selling like hot cakes or something, most places were either sold out or only had shitty Voodood and Stump Smash left. Not counting 3 packs of course, most of which ended up having at least one we had already gotten, or just didn't want to pick up yet.

But anyway, game is really fun.  Made for kids so it's a little easy at times, but there are puzzles that really make you stop and think, "Fuck, how do they expect a kid to do this on their own?!" But again, I guess there are kids like the Ice Dragon that have magical video games powers and can just figure things out, first go, no problem. It's weird.     I got this guy too, I renamed him Tonk. He's awesome.

So in one weekened between the two of us we sunk almost 200 bucks into a game for children.

Man that sounds really stupid when I type it out and admit it like that.

But it's fun, and I enjoyed planning it, and will enjoy leveling up all my lil'monster hunks of plastic so I have a team of total badasses, and after christmas when the shelves stop being baren of the cool skylanders I will probably pick up a few more, cuz they are cute, and I can set them on things, as decoration.

And from the Azaroth Front-

INC BEAST!!!!!!!! :3

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Looken Good...

 New patch, and I feel like I'm looken good now, armor matching, cool wicked looking weapons....it feels awesome to match...

And having my nose stick out of the helm like that is just badass/cute :3

Oh, guess my hunter can finally work on getting to 85 now too...huh...